Future Plexus is a social enterprise independent of government, property owners and developers.

Facilitating conversations

Creating shared community visions 

Gaining public permission for vibrant & sustainable urban activity centres

Facilitating Conversations
  • Place based collaboration
  • Community leadership
  • Future focussed
  • Communication management
  • Social media
Creating Shared Visions
  • Visioning workshops and events
  • Creating a sense of community
  • Delivering education and information
  • Empowering the community to be thoughtful about their future and their descendants
Gaining Public Permission
  • Creating local champions and thought leaders
  • Asking key questions about planning for the future
  • Harnessing the collective goodwill of the community

Meeting our future needs through quality urban regeneration

Start with Why?

"...the hard bit is selling the vision to the residents. Because if a city’s residents remain divided about the advisability of the plan, then subsequent administrations will devise new plans and the city’s future then gets squandered by a process of always planning but never actually doing."
Bernard Salt*

The Vision

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about"
Margaret Wheatley**

The Mission

Creating the conditions to meet our future needs by obtaining public permission for urban regeneration, vibrant town centres & local jobs, housing choice and connected to public transport 

Create the Tipping Point
The point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough
to cause a larger, more important change

* Bernard Salt, The Australian, OPINION 23 mar 17 ~ Growth of Australia’s big cities to drive prosperity.
**  Margaret Wheatley  (born 1941), is an American writer and management consultant, who studies organisational behaviour